1. Has spring sprung in your part of the world? How can you tell? Did March come in like a lion where you live? Going out like a lamb or something more ferocious?
Until yesterday, we had our AC on because the temps were in the high 70s and 80...we have been taking our walks in short sleeves and Honey Bear has been busy as a beaver in the yard and garden.....plus things are green, the trees have leaves and blooms.
We've had Spring storms so like a lion is definitely the way she blows.
2. The last thing that caused you to spring to your feet?
Not me but at 3:00 in the morning a couple of weeks ago, I woke Honey Bear because I heard the chickens....he sprung to his feet and went to check. They had been locked out of the coop the night before and could have been attacked by a raccoon...thankfully we have adjusted the timer on the door now to reflect the change in sundown. All is safe.
3. Do you have a spring clean to-do list? What's one chore on the list you've already managed to accomplish? What spring clean chore do you most dread?
I do not have a list...earlier in the year, I cleaned and rearranged my pantry....
4. Tell us something you've learned about yourself or the wider world as a result of social distancing/the virus crisis.
We have to sift the data we're fed on media and decide what is true or false....it can cause some people to panic and think the end of the world is imminent....I hope that the fact families are being forced to be home with their children will teach them what is important and the breakdown of the family can be reversed, children taught some values...I know here in our neighborhood with people working from home and spending more time outdoors we have met neighbors for the first time. I've seen children outside playing where I didn't even know children lived....
5. Something you love that's the color pink?
I love seeing the pink of Spring trees blooming.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I just want to let all of my blog friends know: I recently changed my email address and as a result, am locked out of my blog: Bears at Home...come an visit me at Home in Alabama.
Hello there! I am so glad you left a comment. It's good to hear from you again. (Sorry about your getting locked out of your old blog) It had been so long since I blogged, I almost forgot how!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to hear that you have chickens. I know you and your hubby like them. Our flock has dwindled down to just two hens, due to a rough summer of stray dogs and persistent chicken hawks. I'd love to get more, but can't get a peaceful feeling about it, so I won't. I've loved raising chickens though.
I love your thoughts about what you've learned as a result of this crisis. It's comforting to know that some good is coming as a result of this. I hope people will take note of what they've been missing.
Until next time...